Nextcloud Nachrichten

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Interactive widgets in Nextcloud Hub

Guide to interactive widgets in Nextcloud Hub

In Nextcloud Hub 8, we introduced interactive widgets, a completely new mechanic that lets you share, access and interact with items from various apps in a compact widget format throughout your platform.

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Introduction to Nextcloud One

Introduction to Nextcloud One

Join us for a webinar to learn more about Nextcloud One, a fully managed Nextcloud service; and see it in action with a live demo!

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Introducing Nextcloud One

Nextcloud One, a fully managed service hosted in Germany

Nextcloud, a leading provider of open-source collaboration software has partnered with epiKshare to deliver Nextcloud One — a fully managed, secure and compliant cloud solution hosted in Germany. 

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Upcoming webinars: Register now!

Join us in our webinars hosted by professional experts and software engineers to help your organization solve challenges.

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Beyond Secure: Air-gapped Nextcloud for highly confidential data

Join us to learn how you can set up air-gapped Nextcloud for highly confidential data.

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Make the switch from ownCloud to Nextcloud

Discover the benefits of transitioning from ownCloud to Nextcloud and get a closer look at our migration tool and our specially tailored migration package for ownCloud users.

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How to get started with Nextcloud

Join us in this webinar on getting started with Nextcloud

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Schleswig-Holstein and Nextcloud collaborate on a sovereign workplace

Join our upcoming webinar on May 30 to explore how Schleswig-Holstein is revolutionizing public services with AI and open-source solutions through Nextcloud — register now to secure your spot!

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Webinar Über Nextcloud Talk – Sichere Kommunikationsplattform

Nextcloud Talk ist eine Kommunikationsplattform für Unternehmen, die von Nextcloud als Teil der Nextcloud Hub Produktfamilie entwickelt wurde. Nextcloud Talk bietet einen Arbeitsbereich zum Chatten, für Videokonferenzen und zum Austausch von Dateien.

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